I’m a creative and an artist. I love making things. Here are some of my things.
Pine frame and Koa Wood
Lathe boards from our deconstruction were sorted by color. I created this pattern, nailed them to plywood backer, sanded any splinters away, then added a protective coating
2400 Pennys, sorted by color. surrounded by our old copper pipes cut into pieces, laying on a bed of gold glitter…just because.
I went to every lumber liquidator in the state, bought all the surplus clearance boxes I could find. $275 later, we had a very unique hardwood, finished floor
I made this 8’ tall chair for my daughters musical, but knew it had to live in our field after its time on the stage.
An engineering Love Song
Remixed 2021
Sometimes I like to Sing Gospel. My daughter Sophia and I did this one many years ago.
2024 Melody Things is all the things. If you want to reach out to Melody, Click Ask Mel Things